This guide will allow you to install windows vista using a USB flash drive. You will need at least a 4 gig thumb drive for this to work. It is up to you if you would like to try this on your EEE but if you do you will need to use vlite to trim it down. Like most of the tutorials on this site it isn’t exclusive to the EEE (this one isn’t even recommended unless your technically inclined) and it will work on other PCs that meet the requirements for Windows Vista.
Insert your USB flash drive and enter the following commands:
(please note this list assumes that your usb flash drive will be seen as disk 1 to confirm that it is type “list disk” after you’ve entered the diskpart command)
select disk 1
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=fat32
The final preparation step is to copy the installation files to your flash drive, this can be done by running the following command:
(please note D: is the drive letter for the source files and E: is the drive letter for your flash drive if they are different on your system you need to change them accordingly)
xcopy d:\*.* /s/e/f e:\
Thats it, configure usb device as primary boot device in your bios and install.